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Parker Russell International's certified chartered acoountant member firms comply with the professional standards appropriate to their respective countries and adhere to the following international standards:

Parker Russell International's certified chartered accountant member firms comply with the professional standards appropriate to their respective countries and adhere to the following international standards:

  • Conduct, or have an interest in conducting, transnational audits;
  • Promote the consistent application of high-quality audit practices and standards worldwide;
  • Support convergence of national audit standards with the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB);

Demonstrate commitment to the the FoF’s membership obligations as detailed below.

Membership Obligations

Members of the Forum commit to the following:

  • Maintain quality control standards in accordance with the International Standard on Quality Control (ISQC 1) issued by the IAASB in addition to relevant national quality control standards;
  • Conduct, to the extent not prohibited by national regulation, regular globally coordinated internal quality assurance reviews;
  • Have policies and methodologies for the conduct of transnational audits that are based, to the extent practicable, on the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) issued by the IAASB;
  • Have policies and methodologies that conform to the IESBA Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants and national codes of ethics; and
  • Agree to submit to the Secretary of the Forum an annual report, in an approved format, indicating that it meets the membership obligations set forth above.

A globally coordinated quality monitoring and review program supports member firms in the maintenance of these standards.

Forum of Firms

Parker Russell International is a member of the Forum of Firms. The forum is an association of international networks of accounting firms. Its goal is to promote consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices worldwide.